
The Ultimate Employee Wellness Checklist

This checklist includes everything you need to consider when developing a competitive benefits package that's right for your company.

Sep 22, 2022
DDfB - CoWorkers Eating

How to Promote Well-Being in the Workplace

Employee wellness programs have become a must-have for many modern companies.

 A recent CDC ​study​ reported that about half of all American workplaces offered some type of wellness initiative. If your company hasn’t yet incorporated an employee wellness program into your benefits, now is a perfect time to start. ​

And with a lion’s share of employees prioritizing flexibility, whether at home or in the office, many companies are reinventing their wellness programs to promote work-life balance, productivity, and create a virtual company culture. It’s an investment in your employees’ health, as well as your company’s, and will ensure that both continue to thrive. 

In this guide, you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop the right program for your company

  • Leverage new benefits that make your company competitive

  • Make sure the program rollout is a success

This checklist will help you create a competitive wellness program, help you retain talented employees, and increase employee productivity.